no , im unbaned mi computer broke i will play again in mineverse
Why you dont call me </3
Dr.Chungo - FlopaJugger On The Streets´s
i see hacks 0:30 3 criticals in 1 seconds OMG ;P , minecraft nerd i get unbaned :D
Do server hosts have a grace period to implement changes to their servers? Yes. All servers must comply with the EULA by August 1st, 2014. look...
whe get kicked for macros and get kicked because the water bug , WHE CAN PRES A BOTON 6 TIMES TO GET KICKED WITH COMANDS SPAMING .!
you do not understand ??? The server can kick you for atack fast , you can use the macros to make commands spam and het kicked !! Spookey look ¿What is your problem?
whe can use macros with low heal i only push a boton 6 times
Whe can use macro keys with low heal and was is the problem? , and some parts i get kicked for fliging because the water bug me , and ijoack can...
in the video i dont have hacks you have a lot of FoV is a short plase too , ijoacko dont have kill aura in the video and i dont use auto...
whe can with commands and spams and with Macro Keybinds you can do spam comands look 12:45
the server kick people for spam commands and kick persons for atacks [media] you can see the video , is hard to see hacks because the room are...
1. Age: SneakBedrock 2. PVPSkill 1-10: 9 % 3. Have you ever been banned for hacking?: lol yes 4. In-Game Rank?: Commander 5. You must have a skype...
is hard to see hacks , because you have a lot of FOV in the video .
i dont see hacks . :hungover: