Not today. Clickbait ;)
Hi, This is a forum game. Basically, Post below the worst mod app you can do. kthxbai
Hello everyone, This is a suggestion for the Forums. The trophies added would be the following: Post Farmer! Posted a total of 10,000 Messages....
Hi everyone, This is a suggestion. Basically, if this was implemented, The new Moderators could type /mod help, For a list of moderator...
Hi. Basically, It's about what the title says. This was already made by @TheEnderSlime but I won on his thread :>
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The Offender's IGN: ItsReqt What rule they broke: making death threats Screenshots:...
Your In-Game name: ertuiop357 The Offender's IGN: BlitzTiger What rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming and cursing Evidence: [IMG] [IMG]...
Your In-Game name: ertuiop357 The Offender's exact IGN: mamacatmeow What rule they broke/how they broke it: making death threats Evidence/Full...
Your In-Game name: ertuiop357 The Offender's(s) exact IGN: TurbidGaming, Lone_Griefer and river49 What rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Hi everyone, This is a suggestion for the forums. Basically, if this would be implemented, you could click on the ratings given / received on a...
Hi everyone, Post below a random and funny picture you found online. :cool: -ObnoxiousPotato_ (aka ertuiop357 :p)
Basically, post what are your favorite animes here. 4 Animes maximum. :)
Your In-Game name: ertuiop357 The Offender's exact IGN: Scorless_Gold What rule they broke / how they broke it: Making Death Threats Evidence/Full...
Your In-Game name: ertuiop357 The offender's exact In-Game name: ParkourSlayer A Description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: making...
Waddup fellow Mineversians, After browsing 69 mins on the internet, I found the dankest Star Wars video ever. [MEDIA] ._.
1. Your In-Game Name: ertuiop357 2. The Offender's Exact In-Game Name: TBNRPenny 3. What rule they broke / how they broke it: making death threats...
Hi everyone, This is a little forums game. Post the very first Question that comes into your head (It must be very weird and random) on this...
Your In-Game name: ertuiop357 The offender's exact In-Game name: Angular What rules they broke: Cursing Evidence:...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's exact IGN: river49 What rule they broke: disrespecting players Evidence:...
Hi everyone, This is a suggestion for OPPvP and KitPvP. It would be cool if /near was added to OPPvP and KitPvP, (For all ranks or even unranked...