Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: ItzMinion__ What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: jekku2 What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: GhostR7der What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)...
1. Real name: Thomas 2. Nickname: Tom 3. Favorite color: Idek 4. Gender: Male 5. Nationality: Canadian 6. Age: 13 7. Sexuality: I sexually...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: almogkeren1 What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: JEKASTOS What rule they broke: hacking (noslowdown) Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: Raptor4021 & LildkenBR What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)...
Hello Everyone, Title explains all. Do I really need to state the reasons? Anyone who played Prison the last months know them. If Neutral/No...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: Dragon7725 What rule they broke: advertising Evidence:
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: conorram What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The Offender's IGN: bubblegumsock What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: BeastPvP21 What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (Gyazo GIF)...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: svendsen25 What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (I used Gyazo GIF)...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offenders's IGN: InsaneInDahBrain & VvInfernoKingvV What rule they broke: death wishes Evidence:...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: Sniper4K What rule they broke: advertising Evidence:
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's IGN: DillPickle150 What rule they broke: Bypassing filter Evidence:...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The Offender's IGN: pixelatedangel_1 What rule they broke: hacking Evidence: (I Used Gyazo GIF)...
Your IGN: ertuiop357 The offender's exact IGN: Firespin111 What rule they broke: hacking (no slowdown) Evidence: (I used Gyazo GIF)...
Your In-game name: ertuiop357 The offender's exact IGN: Pixell What rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking (Bhop and NoSlowDown) Evidence.: (I...
Your In-game name: ertuiop357 The offender's exact IGN: StevenThePig_Jr What rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking (Bhop) Evidence.: ( I used...