lol ive been in the forums for quiet a wile now
support nice app
just say support if you wanna supporte
spitfire soz you never hacked I got the wrong mod app soz But yes I support very good mod application
I have made a new mod app it is called BrendanPvP mod app redo I need to get a mod to delete this thread
support I like the way its detailed and set out
support black market would be great for prison
yes I think they should add tnt run it is really popular and I think more people would join the server if you did have it Yes I say add tnt run
ok you that pic from google images didn't you
yes I think you should get rid of this but I would not have shown a video of how to do it
well I just got a new MC acc but im not new to mine verse or the forums on my other acc (tomtigertom) I only had like 126 messages
Thanks for reading my intro!!
Hey im 15 I love playing mineverse ive been playing it for about 8 months and in that ime I have found this mine verse server to be the best...
it is true I once hit ryan and I died
I think you might have copied some of that from another mod app if someone finds out you have you wont have a good chance of getting moderator
btw guys thanks for all the support