my clan Noob-Killers would like to allies. (lol we already are)
hey mineterria
Plus how do you know all that??????? Jason????????
Name: Daniel Age: 7 Skype: Im_an_idiot_(Daniel9757) Nickname: Idiot Rank: Default im too bad at pvp Good Power: I always try everything to get...
Nice app I can see a Great Mod named almarobb123 in the future.
Support :) 101%
support you will make a great mod I have played with you and you seem you know how to hold the powers of a moderator.
That is also %100 true and troy he has many other alts he has like 10
%100 do not support this is your 7th app now and your behaviour is poorling you threaten and abuse so much people on the forums and the server you...
Daniel this thread is not for telling me that you reported me. this thread is for my mod app. Thanks.
you are trying everything to get me banned all because your banned from mineterrias server and I always kill you
OK WOW Daniel you cant get banned for pvp logging and for two mister I wasn't pvp logging I was getting kicked and in the end of that fight you...
paintball ;) I <3
support I think youll make a great mod
ahh Daniel sorry but weer did mention about me pvp logging and how is that video proof ????
I cant believe im loving school whats wrong with me?
Accepted welcome to the team dog lover <3