This is the new Application: Ingame name: Age: Contact details (Skype,Email,kik): Rank Applying for: Why do you wanna be Admin/Officer: What can...
Ok I told you id be back in touch with you but here I am. Ok so for the question why do you want to be that rank: because im good at pvp is not...
I will get to you soon im busy right now.
LOL you are already Member if you would like to apply you can only apply for Admin or officer btw
agreed I will put you on the list
ohh sorry about that but you didn't have to rate it dumb.
You are now Developer/Admin Congraulations
ok I will keep a close eye on him/her
Extreme I don't have enough time to find a base maybe you could find one your a staff clan..
Keep your friends close keep your enemies closer
IGN: BrendanPvP Age(won't affect your chances): 15 Gender(won't affect your chances): male Rank: vip (I have sets and sets of prot IV and heaps of...
Sorry but that's not me nice try manav/EztremePvp trying get me banned for payback because I pranked you on skygrid Your like Daniel and you try...
So in that vid im talking?
? I don't get this report ?
Noast don't deny it you were gliding
hmm we could have a base I guess.
good luck
notice at 29seconds-35seconds he wasn't looking at me and was hitting me about 10 times a second
Your ingame name: BrendanPvP The offender's ingame name: iantitanio A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura...