@Dyna_Mighty Well Im fkt then
And i pretty much lost my money on all of my accounts @Dyna_Mighty
@Dyna_Mighty Does it count if i show one of my vids where i type /bal ?
@Dyna_Mighty so theres no chance of me getting my money back?
@Dyna_Mighty And u guys couldnt warn me before? I would have taken a Screen shot of my money....
@Dyna_Mighty What am i supposed to do?
I saw that after but i dont have any screen shots of my balance before i was reset
My ign name:AtlasTitus. I lost every thing every thing i had reset is there anything u could do so i could get my stuff back??
1. My ing Name is AtlasTitus 2. JokePad 3. He Was being really disrespektfull to me and many others, and he kept saying the N Word. 4.:...
@kinsey_kid Ive had this account for 2 years, soon 3 years
I cant log on to mineverse is there something happening?? Theres only 30 people online there and i can't connect. Please help me
I was upgraded from Nothing to God Hes even making me titan soon, So no support im sorry, Some people can be trusted.
The DisRespect one was about 30 days ago And the rest was about 8 months ago
First thing first I want to tell you all a little but about myself, my name is Elias and I live in Sweden, I spend alot of time on minecraft and...
Hello! Theres A player called Ark_BaconTv And hes Ban evading on a account called Ark_Bacon I woud. I wonder if you guys could Ip check him. Thank...