By reacting to this thread, the Fine Bros will sue you a small loan a one million dollars and you will have to stick money up their *** if you...
lel. People say this because... 1. They can't get a date and pretend to be someone else because they are a loner who can't look at themselves....
Yes, the person closes the game before the game even starts.
Well I know what I'm going to be doing today! Spamming threads on suggestions to fix the issue :D
I don't have evidence he/she doing it because I deleted my screen recorder and he would prob be gone by the time I downloaded one, but his...
So today, I went on Mineverse. I decided to play some "The Climber" minigame because I am a master at knocking people off and spamming "rekt" on...
Rekt. Clickbaits ftw
I used the internet.
My threads are amazing. And it always get the views.... hehehe
Shaders. hehehe you prob thought as in a staff member. haahahahahahah eh, get clickbait-ed. whew
Everybody is saying sorry and stuff, but what I wonder is why would you draw a picture for someone to understand how you feel. I feel like this a...
That moment when I see, "Top 3 Mods of 2015", I blow my head up.
lol, okay...?
I tried a LOOOOONG time ago on the forums, lol. I never gotten a response from me creating the thread, lol.
Lol no, I only hack on servers that can't take responsibility for itself. I don't hack on Mineverse because of it's good Anticheat, good staff,...
Mineplex's staff don't answer 50% of all reports, lmao, and last time, It took staff 2 hours to respond and ban a hacker even when the...