really :D
Hi. Are you sick of having to grab toilet paper with your hands? Are you sick of having to reach the toilet paper every time? Are you sick of...
50 Shades of Grey.
I got my name because I'm unoriginal.
@TheElderlyReaper is my lover.
Hello. I'm going to tell you about a crappy story between Desh Wawwwshar and Wacyum Cleenar. *cough* COMMENCE CRAPPY STORY. <Dope Winner> hi....
Sorry, not that "pong". I ment as in my dog, "Pong".
My favorite game of all time is Pong. c:
lmao, I had this one friend who has undertale and played on 0.5 hours on the game. Me: YOU JUST PERFECTLY WASTED 1 GOOD GAME OF THE YEAR. LIKE. WHY?
"was last seen: viewing latest content" ...what kind of content c;
so hey. My name is xx420RobloxItxx and uh, today I just wanted to share my opinion of my top 9999 games of 2016 I'm prob going to get. so yeh. if...
I told you that I would swear to make a point!
The children just gotta handle it m9.
That is the point! To swear to get to the point! Did you see what I did there...?
I got sued for overreacting about this topic.
It was only maybe a week ago tho :/
If you been keeping up with social media and MLG WeebStar, the Fine Bros used to trademark the word react