Noobcrew I want my legit items on skyblock back please, my iron ingots are from Titan kits and farms, emeralds and ender chests are from...
Can you please help me? My chest shops were looted and they say it was you, is it real?
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: unknown A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Somehow they were able...
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: starwonder_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flyhack - The user...
Thanks I see it now, I was used to the old layout and together with the fact that i couldn't see any reports made me think that something was...
I took some screens
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: smasher1245 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect - The...
Firo when I click the link you gave me I can post, if I click on the Forums/ Report/ Reports I cant , the thread is the same with the link but i...
the link you gave me seems to allow me to post, when i navigate from the main forum to report/ report, I cant post or see them.
Hi I seem to have problems with most sections of the forums since I can't read them or post a new thread. Specifically I have problem with the...
Hi sorry to bother, I want to post a report about a player on skyblock but the forum says that i dont have privileges, is something wrong?
Smasher I dont think you are entitled to talk about rudeness and disrespect. Remember? If you have changed as you claim then anyone can. If anyone...
Support 100%. Im tired of immature mods.
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: to be found, I think it was deniz25082004 A description of what rule they broke/how they...
It doesn't matter where you dedicate your efforts, in a game or real life Ducky an effort is an effort. I ve been playing for over 6 months here I...
Then leave the replies to someone who is an adult and knows whats going on.
When i say something it's a fact. I m not the only one with this problem on the server. The pics with my money are on the link and the pic without...
I logged on today on skyblock only to find that all my efforts to collect over 950k were in vain? Where is my money, I want it back. I have 2...
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: uriagus99 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Island Trespassing,...
Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: acerman123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Animal griefing - He...