I don't want anything from this except for someone to fix the plot walkway near my plot
I accidently discovered this and in me demonstrating this I need the lanes around my plot fixed. I don't have the ability to upload the...
It won't let me post screenshots but you can ask anyone ingame at 6:30 AM EST and they will confirm it.
My IGN: Dr_Savage_MD Their IGN: Deansy Offense: Swearing, Derogatory terms
Well could you set it up so if mattam6 wins the votes the reward goes to Dr_Savage_MD?
Is there a way to transfer my mattam6 votes to Dr_savage_MD? I'm really gunning for the vote rankups and forgot that this would complicate things...
I just changed me IGN to Dr_Savage_MD XD
My IGN: mattam6 Offenders IGN: MaskonFire Offence: Bullying and swearing Evidence: Screenshots
I don't know about you but this would be awesome.
Use the template
I think the issue is money.
How old are you? I am 13....
My IGN: mattam6 Offenders IGN: FinnOHumano Offense: Ban Evading As you can see the screenshot was taken yesterday a day after ARK_Bacon was banned...
Reposting since no one responded
My IGN is: mattam6 Offenders IGN: FinnOHumano He is ban evading
Currently playing OP Prison
Also I don't have any proof of this part he threatened to DDos me