How do I create them? Dey r so cool D;
Well I had to change dis because well I guess people got offended..... :/ K you...
A reset!? I've worked so hard in survival... I think i'm going to quit mineverse.... Even though I have kit elite..
I just thought of something (I've never seen it on any server) It's one of my original ideas and I think we should create something called "The...
The minigames are cool and all but you need a huge amount of players to start... That is ridiculous cmon... I have to wait 30 min for ONE game to...
Oh sorru
I am getting kinda bored of mineverse and I've been around for almost a year and I have elite but Im starting to get bored... That's why I think...
Creeper wanna paly something on mineverse I am getting bored of mineverse... Ive been supporting for some time now but it is getting boring D;
Creeper please dont D; Il help you on your plot right now if you need me :P Mah name on minecraft is epicwolf9
Alright then im sorry to all the people who were offended
There is an option to leave your password on remember e.e
Btw u can tell it wasnt me becuz i ussualy dont use grammar :L
K #BlameBrother I changed da subject dere you go ;P
Well better change da subject
Hackers keep abusing on kit pvp.(I had to change the title of the thread and i had to edit dis rite now so i had no idea wat 2 write )
It turns night and day and it keeps doing that every second my eyes hurt!
Epicwolf9 -.-