Please mods these people are ANOYING so much spam!!
@kitkat6605910 can you do something?
@fryzigg @ScoFu13 @PandaBear__
Your ingame name: vJigglez The offender's ingame name: bluediamond89/moey_the_king A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Tpa...
Well then sorry the report can a mod close it unles its banned able :)
Sorry dude thehiddenone said you can ge banned for it
I died making this report :O But he his god so worth it lol and I killed him after he relized he had been recorded LOL
@ScoFu13 @PandaBear__ @VaMeSa123
Your ingame name: vJigglez The offender's ingame name: kyleh2232 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Crits Anti Knockback...
... you were saying my name was bad I just don't care and make a report about it good job :D
I uploaded this because TheHiddenOne143 said that you can get banned for tpa killing I know it isn't tp trapping that's why its call tp killing...
Your ingame name: vJigglez The offender's ingame name: Spooky_Ghostex A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Tpa killing...
@FadedChristi @MaxNinja10 @ScoFu13
Your ingame name: vJigglez The offender's ingame name: TheBossQ13/TheHiddenOne143 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Anti...
Your ingame name: vJigglez The offender's ingame name: TheHiddenOne143 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Auto accept hack...
You make lots of false reports sorry for posting lol
@fryzigg @MaxNinja10 @ScoFu13
Your ingame name: vJigglez The offender's ingame name: AcTiOnZ2000 and T2kxReFleCtIoNs A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...