Old IGN: TheHiddenOne143 New IGN: NubCrew Transaction Info/Screenshots of rank proof: www.youtube.com/ShovelMcYT Old rank: God This is enough...
Noobcrew Sorry about the name, you asked for it making mineverse tacobell dinner by making it perm 1.8 with horrid pvp
So, I decided "OH I'm going to change my name since you know I wont lose my rank" I was very wrong... Could I possible have rank god back....?...
This is obviously an alt of some sort.
Then why say.... 'i dont really care its just a game anyways" it really does not make sense to me...
If you dont care and it's just a game why ask for someone to pay $150 on a game that you dont care about? I think we'd all like to know this
Goku dosnt do upgrades as he bought himself god what was it 2 times? and titan 2 times. Why do people keep posting these honsetly? why should...
Notice I came up with ways to tell if someone is in /nick... Real all the comments as well before stating something.
,any threads have been made for this No one has thought of /player *name* that could really work. Like skins don't show up so you can tell it's...
I tagged all moderators online at the time :P
@HeyitsAlexa @tin15cro @Agent Android
Hiddens new account :> Multiple people ( Names in videos) [media] [media] @PandaBear__
TheHiddeone143 We_Have_a_Mole & Drifter [media] I got my account back<3