ShovelMcYT SO MANY PEOPLE [media] [media] Really moderators? You really need to step up your job @canucksfan44 @Dontchallengeme @PandaBear__
As I promoted myself co-owner because I'm awesome; For now I'm going to say now. Prove your worth in the clan and I will chat with my superiores...
I'm surprised mineverse is number 2!! XD We have gone down so much with the best mods leaving and the current staff team being 99.98% inactive and...
If you are who I think you are ( BlockheroRS) then you're annoying and need to grow up.
You have my old skype, I made a new one. Make sure to add that one.
Age:16 Ign: NubCrew How long have you been on kitpvp: Longer than you bb<3 Rank: God Ever been banned: We all know the answer to this PvPSkills:...
@PandaBear__ @fryzigg @HeyitsAlexa
NubCrew Archerhead Hacking [media] Notice he swings and th hit doesn't connect but it shows the particals on Mossy to the side of him.
[God] NubCrew
You spelled 'a lot' wrong, I wont undo the rating until the spelling is fixed.
I've been thinking of quiting because MANY other servers I play on dont have this problem, its causing me to dislike mineverse more and more every...
My name is Jim, thank you very much
And I quite frankly find the f**ks to give to you. I swear they were right here!
Roses are read violets are blue, we are having sex, cause I'm stronger than you
Am I the only person posting good pick up lines?
I was gonna say something really sweet about you but when I saw you I was speechless If beauty were time you'd be an eternity
I saw a flower this morning and thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world; then I saw you @PandaBear__
we need to finds new no-cheat plug in as whenever I try to PvP and someone has knock back I get stuck in place and can't move until they stop...
Date back2 months ago, "*annoying 11 year old sounds* I'm quitting minecraft how do I uninstall?!?!?"