"Out numbered" it was 3v5 how were you outnumbered? It was me (no gaps or extra sets) lion and zstrafe against you super(insert numbers here)...
Based on the teams ive seen more often I agree. You will have 10-15 full protection 4 people sitting at left of spawn camping kit fights so this...
Not judging. Saying you wouldn't want me as I fudged up sniper and his base (might be your base too) and calling your faction weak as I 2v1ed...
But the thing is... we are stronger. I single handed is stronger than your group of fish.
I can't remember the exact Ammount. But yes, dollars, I am poor
No support you're a jerk to me and others, you break every rule given, you hack and you smell like complete Kidding Mr. JizzBots support...
Can my name be changed to ShovelMc? The account ShovelMc was banned for evading a LONG time ago but I'd rather not have the 'YT' there for...
In-game name: JizzyBots How much do you have on KitPvP: 43...? Cannot remember will update when I find out What game-mode do you want money in...
Probably if it was last week, I hadn't pvp'd in 7 days and was rust and couldnt get my sensitivity correct. I'm much better since sunday I went on...
Ingame name: JizzyBots (Will be changed to ShovelMc in 32 days McMMO power level: like 16 it reset since I changed my name Rate your pvp skills...
I get 130FPS its not FPS lag. Its server lag. So many people get it not just me.
There are so many plug-ins and active servers that its hard to pvp as is without randomly getting kicked or getting server lag(Delay when opening...
Absoultly not. Mineverse has enough server lag as is with the ammount of servers and plug-ins currently used. Once we fix that I will agree but...
No. It's laggy because of the ammount of plug-ings mineverse has. I get a 10 ping to mineverse dont talk to me about "Its ping" its the server...
Hell no. The server is already way to f***ing laggy adding more plug ins will make it impossible to pvp. So many more things can be done to...
Support nice mod app, lots of detail
How bout we bump this *****?
No comment.
1. JizzyBots 2. zRekt 3. Threatning me, harrazing [ATTACH] @Dontchallengeme
Imagine going back to traditional pvp and remove all the bullshit no one likes!