My Mineverse KitPvP Stuff [Updated]: [media] Just ONE player. Don't you think it's a bit unfair to others?
Kitpvp has not been reset for almost 2 years. I feel its time for a reset. Even Factions got reset before kitpvp and its been up for not as long...
If they quit it shows they only play because they have items that make them good. If we reset to allow people a chance to become one of the more...
Well if you want to start talking about 8 year olds look at your Grammer. You can't even type a paragraph without abbreviating the shortest words...
No where near Good. Still hacking I see. I advise you stop before you get banned
I have videos for two of them. Sorry!
Could I borrow all your stuff to grt premium? :D
Yea probably
For people that join and have kit fight and come up against full p4 it's hard
Hey guys Shovel here! I've been thinking. Kitpvp has been around for a LONG time. I've been here for a little over 2 years and its never been...
Obviously me just hand over the Kit money man!
I can run any other pack on YouTube at 100+ FPS besides your pack. I mean its nice but most people on Mineverse struggle with FPS problems so I...
Hey guys Shovel here! As I see some other people posting packs I've decided to post all the packs I've edited here. If there is a video I use it...
My pack (personally) is better as its a default edit made for PvP and not lag. (I have this texture pack and it causes me 40FPS drop, normal FPS:...
I speak my mind. Don't like it don't read it simple.
I think she means because she is younger and female she has a life and is not like us men who slave away on computers for hours a day. Not sexist...
Based on this half the kitpvp server Should be banned
No your wrong. Most of the server runs FORGE with DAMAGE INDICATORS a MOD not a HACK. My point is settled. Goodbye
I've been ddosed roughly 200 times. Nothing gone Post anything on your profile you'd like changed(name,birthdate,gender,etc) Hope I helped!