I was stating you can't take out part of the plug in :L Pets don't even work properly so why do we still even have them? You're suppose to be able...
You simply can't remove part of the plug in. That's like saying we only want some mcmmo aspect. It's all or non you can't remove some and keep...
Breh wait till I get home. I'll load up single player and build my cannon then record my demonstration
Psh most donors always win because they /heal or enderpearls. It's highly unlikely for a non donor to kill a donor when it's always 3+v1
My 3x3 cannon would be better B)
Tell me this. You're a non donor that finally gets protection 4. You chase a titan rank like Shorty_Dion because he's horrible. You get him to 2...
As he is fighting for infection I'm fighting for the entire server. Watch the first part of the video and tell me it's fair and adds a...
Pets don't even work properly let alone cause 10000s of problems leave them on non-pvp servers and remove them on the pvp servers. It's stupid...
Apple. Nuff said.
Tell me what you see in the first part of this video. [media]
For once I agree with Ducky_Puppy. Nerf before I poop in your breakfast
Some support. Be more active. You smell like freshly bought shoes.
He has tags off noob. Unarmed is an mcmmo skill. It means the higher your skill is the better chave you have to force your opponent to drop...
Would be better because they don't have to try? If a reset does not happen soon I'm quitting. There is no point to play when you can't do anything...
Premium for a homie?
[media] 2. JizzyBots 3.Jamesb(numbers) 00:31 you see him flash his aura
Bump. Reset now please.
Uncle and MANY others sell their kit overpriced to noon and just sit there all day selling and selling giving noon no chance to do anything
I tagged everyone who commented for more evidence sorry