SKY dont quit man i just got on to say hi right now, then u left
I literally just got well known
Yeah, support, no comment after I make a first appearance in 4-5 months?
D*mnit I had a bet going that everyone would forget about me eh, I owe bman0503 (my brother) 5 bucks btw, me: Alemania
when i saw the "the guy who changed" bit a month ago, i didn't believe it. I still don't. :/
I will put aside my biases for the descision making, you have no place in this jerk so gtho
Welcome to the mineverse forums!
Hello new member! Welcome to the mineverse forums
I just came on here surfing the forums and... that sig tho XD
I have one simple question... why isn't maddi a mod yet? MADDI FOR MOD!
if she was mean to you, then she was reporting you for something wrong you have done. That is the only reason i have ever seen her mean to anyone.... take a look at this. please
thank you for taking it so well.
no support, i have never seen you in game, and you have no experience as a moderator or administrator, sorry :( Although the app is great!
13- 15 fps
pokemans is awesome :3
tagging for faster response @MrParkourGuy banana man wants you to lock this thread.