Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: i_am_youtuber The offender's exact ingame name:...
So, many of the hackers on mineverse arn't just one time people, they have mcleaks, bought like 100 accs for 10 bucks ect. The problem is that if...
I swear to god I have been asking everyone... Who knows a good flipping mic! pls tell me i needs to get one...
Was wondering what program this forum was made with, I wanna make a gaming forum. Anyone know?
Pic says it all... (was asked by like 10 peeps to post this lol)[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: I_am_youtuber The offender's exact ingame name:...
So as many of you know, hellblock still exists, and can be entered by doing /hellblock, but it is very broken. I suggest we bring hellblock back...
Title says it all. Just think it would be nice to be able to bring an old fun game back to life or something.
So, I've noticed in a lot of threads on here people tend to hate on mods, the thing is it shouldn't happen. Moderators are doing the best they...
Has anyone else heard about this years minecon, appearently the're making it an online stream instead of the big convention. I think this might be...
Okay so I was wondering something about the forums on mineverse. So I've been getting tired of having my email and forum notifications explode...
So heres a few things I thought of that should be put back into (or added) to world edit. - Make it so we can get barriers, water (still), and...
So, as many of you know, you can't build in the nether on prison. I want to make it so that you can which would. A. Make it possible to have...