DIO: HahahahaAHha *dio's head- You think like a human, who has so little time to live. About things leaving a bad taste in mouth, or living your...
JOTARO: Three seconds? Four? JOTARO: The moment you've healed, I'll throw Star Platinum at you. So bring it on! JORARO: If I were a gunslinger...
JOTARO: I don't feel even the slightest bit of compassion for you. JOTARO: I haven't even an ounce of pity for you. However, just finishing you...
JOTARO: ORA! JOTARO: Time has begun to move again. *dio wykrecone nogi jotaro stoi przed nim*
OTARO: Having someone approach from behind while you can't move a muscle, if i had to describe it, is like when a guy who can hold his breath...
JOTARO: How does it feel, Dio?
DIO: J-Jotaro! I-Impossible! You stopped time? Right at the end of my nine seconds of movement..
JOTARO: I stopped time at the nine second mark. That let me escape. JOTARO: Yare yare daze. JOTARO: Now.. It won't take even a second to finish...