Happy birthday <3
Ty Diggehh <3
CS:GO get shrekt together bruh <3
Thank you Mineterria. :) Thank you Alma <3
Thank you canucks <33
Thank you! :> Thanks <3 Thank you Van. :) Thanks! :)
Thank you :) Thank you and congratulations btw. :> Thanks :)
Hey. Nice to meet ya Krissy. :)
Thank you michael :)
Gratz Tube :)
Thank you guys. I doubt I'll be getting mod this time around though, but I can wait. :)
Yesssss congrats!!
Thank youuu c: Thank you LordeIs_MyLife <3 Thank you :) <3 Tysm Thank you. :>
Thanks :D and actually I was on TS today but everyone was afk so I just left ;-;
Ahah, the reason why I decided to re-open it was because I recently just finished my school term and I'll have a lot of free time basically. But...
Thank you <33 Thanks Max :>
My IGN: Christi Offender's IGN: RealAlpha He's spamming advertisement. Please ban asap. Thanks. [ATTACH]
My ign: Christi Offender's ign: SoldierDoes Games Proof: You can see the gapple hits [media]
My IGN: Christi Offender's IGN: SwaggerNugget SwaggerNugget was hacking, Anti KB clearly visible throughout the video. [media]