IGN: Tepig4321 People who I am reporting: fad3sky, FadeBubble Reasons For Reporting: Spawn Camping/ Blocking up spawn Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Uh I cannot craft anything because the gold and iron will not even go out of my inventory And it looks like everyone is also having this problem Help?
1. Likeable - Have more likes then messages Points - 20 2. Post Farmer - 10k posts Points - 50 3. 2k likes Points - 60 4. Agreeable - 100 agree...
a guy says hes reporting me for hacks FYI IM NOT HACKING SO IF IT LOOKS WIERD IM NOT HACKING
IGN: Tepig4321 Person who i am reporting: VictorPatino Reason: Trash Talking Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Your forums account name: Tepig4321 The offender's forums account name (link to profile): http://www.mineverse.com/members/feminazi420.20446/ A...
NOTE:: No video but enough pictures that it is obivous Your ingame name: Tepig4321 The offender's exact ingame name: JMACWDS2004, Dantemartinu A...
1. Add a solo bedwars mode where its 4 players so the games can be a little longer 2. Dont allow cross-teaming 3. Remove the flatlands Ill add...
Im not sure if this is allowed or not so I am gonna make a report on it 1. Tepig4321 2. FatalityXz, arthurogbalder 3. Spawn Trapping & Killing 4....
Im not sure what to call it, but it would be: Have more likes then messages
IGN: Tepig4321 Person who I am reporting: Salinoia What player is doing: Innapriotate skin Evidence [IMG]
Your ingame name: Tepig4321 The offender's exact ingame name: SeaBass13 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect...
Your ingame name: Tepig4321 The offender's exact ingame name: KemlingNate A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect...
[IMG] Introduction- A lot of people wanted me to apply, so I decided to apply. I just want to point out I am working on my in game activity and...
we have a skype chat if you wanna be added msg me your skype and ill add you
Post something and ill say something about you
You have to qualify for 2/3 criteria below Have to be member Have to have 100 posts Have to be on the forums for at least 1 month Please post...
So instead of people locking their profiles, just change it so you cant like or post like make that an option and get rid of locking profiles
Yes ik this is a thing but now it can be in 1 thread!!: 1. Irl name? 2. Boy or girl? 3. Cookie or cake? 4. Favorite sport? 5. What grade? 6....
Your ingame name: Tepig4321 The offender's exact ingame name: MaxBros75 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Trash Talking /...