crazytac0 u dont get ban for swearing a mod told me that sry
grayson didnt u just say all the mods?that means ur saying all mods are awsome!:D
And cookiecrafter u can't fly with pet bat if u can all doners will fly
??i mean the rank only have /heal and not /hat and pet u don't get what I mean right? I mean it not unfair to doners as they can do /pet and hat
And donee ranks have other commands like /hat /pet...
Or we can have a new in game money rank and let commanders get discounts in upgrading like commander cost500 and the new rank with commands...
:D pls support this
in kitpvp sometimes when i enderpearl i got stuck in a wall and slowly suffocate
i was online in kitpvp and usually they announces u voted but it didnt and i did all the verification and correct name
when people always attacks sometime they just god kick for flying or realted or just got kicked from server
me too i need help i voted tody but didnt get any money
its just the skin
so what?
in kitpvp can rank commander be more op and have a few commands as all other ranks have commands can it have like/heal but have to take a cooldown...
mrbeefcak3 i saw him in kitpvp his awsome
if u think the amount given is not enought please correct me :)
im using in game money to buy elite as followed up buy my other buyingranks which i dint list the amounts so here are my offers ill give to...
I'm buying ranks as my mother thinks it's not safe donating so I'm using in game money to buy I'm wanting to get a elite rank could any doners or...
i didnt provide avidence as my video was too big as max limit is 1 mb but mine is above i was wondering if there is another way like email for me...
my in game name:hamstertofu offenders ingame name:klassekofot he scamed me he said if i give him a 1000 in game money hell buy rank god for me and...