yea but if it doesnt work try to keep on relogging after a while it will be fine i had this prob too before
Wow diners have 3 min and u suggest we have a day u mad?
U can't spam heal u only can do it every 10 mins
? I dun get what mean by spam every10min 10mins! U cant?
but they could in crease the price to like 800+
and cause ur the noob and is scared to be beaten
PTA killing is banable? Even in kit pvp?
Just because ur a god
But their different doners can do/heal in3min I'm asking for 1 with10 min u just think all about unselfish and not for the poor
but in some servers there insnt any hackers
but elite have more than just 1 ability im just asking for/heal which also have a way longer cooldown
We can't give u back the stuff without proper evidence as u may be liying and no one knows
my in game name :hamstertofu offenders in game name : Rainbowcrash107 what he did: insult me calling me names evidence:
my in game name:hamstertofu offenders in game name: pyridima offence made:bow hack rapid fire evidence:
There's a lot of bow hackers this days they should put in a anti bow hack plugin