because i forgot
yea make sell only available for like p4 and stuff
And about hey hey he's having kill aura today I played and found him ask outside map on super flat land when I went behind him he turned and...
Ok guys this is getting out of hand lets just let a mod settle this
In game name :hamstertofu Amour type: p4 Skype:no Did u read the rules: yes Do u hack?:no Have u receive warnings before:no Intro: I am a good...
And for ur info this is for kit pvpkit pvp
When we all have like p4 in kit pvp we all need pearls and regents but we always have to wait for like kit commander and others like dinners kit...
I think we should have a place to sell lots we got instead of auctioning it as sometimes by acing it it takes a lot of time and there's too many...
I think all should have it for in game money
Daniel I dun support for doners only having the extra chest all those who doesn't or is not able to have a rank or buy it will jot have it:(
Xeeveexx he paid u in the end ? Before logging so it didn't state how much he scammed u and it is not25$
Like there isn't any1else saying athing
How do we know that it isn't u making up all it all show u and his conversation only please provide a screenshot
There's no such thing as kit god or Titan in skywards u will find a rank board if there's kit
Yea if ur the 1 dyeing u could really use the pearl
By the way this is a suggestion fourm page not to report u should report this under help
Yea me too I lagged out and died 6 times because of combat log
Na that's little more rank are more fun
It's not op it has knock backknock back
I support he's a good person he used to give out free kit god to starters