hey ive been playing factions for a long time and got into bases by raiding but i cant do/f claim and im a co-owner of a faction it keeps saying i...
mineverse is up yay :D
cant jion mineverse why??is the server down?
me too i keep getting ddosed but i once quit but jioned back again
hey people keep quitting!!! because of ddose all my teamates are leaving me :( tell me if u are qutting so i can take note of it
sry i du think u will be able to get it back
Sry khaled u need to have a proof that u are once a elite or we can't do a thing
Yea I support u are a good guy helping people
Yea great idea minterra
Lol daevante
Oh but do play kit pvp?
Romar what why u rate me dumb for no reason it's reasonable I'm davisabog,Dennies and lots of others team wow romar
master why dont u know me im friend with most of them u know and pls dont leave:(
im doing a reshearch for a trade pls tell me if u play prison and vote alt and dont play kitpvp
any1 would want to upgrade to elite pls start a conversation with me and ill discuss what to give u
u can anvil :/
yea anyways ways it good