@continuousbeez im not finshed with it I will be editing it alot but i had to go so i put what i coul when im finshed with it complety i will let...
Before we start plz dont say that I hack cause I know lot of people still think i hack but i dont from when i played on aser12345 yes i did hack...
Yeah like pasty said you just need skills but not just like pasty the nubs could get on when all the op people arent on and earn money for...
This is basicly the same thing that happend to my brother and beefy he unbanned him and it said that he was temp banned for 2 sec can any mod that...
sorry i had to edit it i put wrong link reload the page sorry
Your ingame name:aser12345 The offender's ingame name:FallenKingdom209,NoobMoose,AppleLicker123 A description of what rule they broke/how they...
/bal doesent work and i havent played skywars in a couple of months you are the nub
@BuilderNicky1 read it agin this is what i ment to put
Ok there will be more money and something else you want i just dont have everything right now
IF someone updrades me to VIP in return i will give them stuff on ktipvp.op pvp/and skywars Kitpvp:$100 and a set of prot 4 maybe (9 regin...
Thx Chezby
i wasent thinking when i posted it sorry Grayson
\How do i cheake how mouch monney i have on sktwars i did /bal and /monney any outher way that wotks if so plz let me...
ok it worked but why does it keep happing
It says im temp banned for 2sec now so can someone fix it plz?
thx it worked!
So Grayson unbanned me but it still says i am banned but only for one sec and it want let me play ill show yall with screenshots idk if they will...