I dident say I dont understand I said its hard for me to read
To make it better you could space out the question so its easyer to read and some of the coolers are hard to read for me.
No support when ever I post stuff you go and cuss me out over it in game
Or maybe the gold aged one
I would go with the obby green or blue one
@ScoFu13 how much support do you need for your suggestions to be in game
@shadowbuscus1 well its not really for buying stuff its for when you buy something from someone and some people come and take it so it would be...
Thx for the support but @Conor Walton why dont you support are you one of them noobs who still the stuff
fall for what its true i dont carse what u think we just use i account cause its easier
Ign: 87drahthro Age:13 Pvpskill 1/10:8 Have We Teamed Before:yes Am I sexy:Yes Are you SEXY:Maybe I want the head admin cause my head is big...
@Gokufarts/Goku__PVP ill give all of his sets i scammed off of him when i get all 6 inve changed alot plz belife me and @McNerd234 plz ive changed
And i dont hack anymore dont belive look at forms i report people for hacking and scamming but only 1 scammiong i swere ive change alot people...
Just give me 1 chance
I swere ill never scam hack or anything agin plz
plz but ive change peopledont know
But gokufarts hats me cause i scammed him thats y i got banned
1. Age:13 2. PVPSkill 1-10:8 3. Have you ever been banned for hacking/Other?: Yes but im not getting banned agin promis 4. In-Game Rank?:V.I.P 5....
IGN: 87drahthro Levels: 651 How good do you think you are in pvp on a scale from 1-10?: IDK but davisabog you member the time me and u 1v1 from i...
thx DeezNuts
thx Fra