Well you only have 2 vids with proof in it
He never responds so I just made a thread and yeah its worthy cause he needs to have real proof
Ya you you record people for nonthing
You dont recieve any more money when it does that it just say that cause I was like wtf i looked at my money and only got 100 not what it said i...
This happend to me once I voted and it spamed it saying i have voted but its not hacks or anything its just a glitch
Everybody you cant kill isent a hacker your just not that good at pvp so dont record someone cause you bad and you call them a hacker cause you...
you dont get it she is devil girl thts why I put HOT isent she
Who knows what the best skin in [all of minecraft] I wanna see witch skins yall pick this is mine [IMG] HOT isent she
lol true
No support cause if one of the mods really arnet doing there job then were will you go to report them.
I support this answer thats exaclty what I mean when you are fighting its just not fair
so its not fair
Yeah it is if your in p4 it does
yeah it does
so still not fair cause if you fighting them you cant repair then your armor breaks but thers doesent
Heres why cause the it should be /fix or /fixall for mvps plus thats why
no support cause its not fair for people without the /fixall command
it is oribinal to me