No not realy idk I dont hate you just idk
Im saying I want a good mod to bann me not a crapy one.
Whatever I hate you but you are helpful to the server :)
sure whatever im leaving so S U P P O R T
ya i did it atleats let one of the mods who were my friend a a point do it like @MaxNinja10 well maybe still friends with him dont know
and bann me
cause they baby her like most off yall like you
cause he is stupid ever think of that
Well look harder she just closed it and did something to it
Um she is the worst mod ever she bannes me off forms for rate abuse but diesent bann the person who rate abuse me when i reprted them she just...
Dont care what yall rate it do wht ever yall want to me or this cause most of yall hate me anyways so doesent really matter
Im finnaly leaving mineverse for real well im leaving all of minecraft cause I got banned off of here for nothing and its the only server that I...
When she enderpearled at you and you missed her with the bow she went crazy with hacks
well i was thinking whhen i made this cause minecraftnerd records for no reason and i dont know how to close it
Ok so i can report you to?
Why did you post here hu the reason why is cause he vever responds this is allways he respons NONTHING
Well im not banned lol so nah im not mad ill get on right now and show ya
yeah cause the mods like you thats why they baby you around here lol
Well then how about dont post in my threads just dont talk about them and if you think this is for nothing then why did you post here just dont...