Your ingame name: Wqlf_ The offender's exact ingame name: Grodoly A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Continuously clicking...
Your ingame name: Wqlf_ The offender's exact ingame name: deton8ed777 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Idek/Hacking...
Your ingame name: Wqlf_ The offender's exact ingame name: CustomHCF A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Running on...
Your ingame name: Wqlf_ The offender's exact ingame name: UndeadHybrid A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flying/Hacking... See how much you score :) [IMG]
I suggest that a chest reset timer should be added to skygrid. :) The timer would be once a fortnight (2 weeks) all the chests get reset. reasons:...
Your ingame name: Wqlf_ The offender's exact ingame name: Dark_Exiler A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing alot...
I am suggesting that on Survival when you open the player menu *Tab* the ranked players name will come up in the colour of the rank they are.
My little brother is getting his first Minecraft account and is wanting a name. My little brother wants something with a "cool spelling" I asked...
Your ingame name: Wqlf_ The offender's exact ingame name: TheNiceHacker A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Admitting to...
1. Real name: Maxim 2. Nickname: Wolf, Pablo 3. Favorite color: White 4. Gender: Male 5. Race: Italian 6. Age: 15 7. Sexuality: Straight 8....
❤Facts❤ I live in Australia My in-game name is Wqlf_ I'm 15 I'm Italian My favourite colour is Green My favourite "Genre" of music is Rap I play...
Voting I think instead of "top 5 voters" it should become the top 3 voters. Reasons People farm the voting system. People lie about loosing there...
Well pretty much I go onto "kitpvp" and do /petlist and the Cavespider shows up. I then return to the lobby to apply the cave spider and it...
Your ingame name: Wqlf_ The offender's exact ingame name: MightyTong A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming of server...
I was wondering if anyone could think of a good name using the word Wolf or something Original. Any comments will be put into consideration. Check...
Ok recently I have been making intros for people such as myself: [MEDIA] If you would like one please start a convesation with me about your...
I don't understand how someone can say on another's mod app No-Support, Your not active on the forums and in-game when 80% of the time. The player...
Is there anyway to remove a Poll from a Mod app?