Your ingame name: Rei1230 The offender's ingame name: Kyleatho A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/screenshots.
No one knows what cookies mean but i like them so give meh a cookie
A lot of people are doing this and i might do it to Warning i can be mean
When i logged in today i saw my positive rating then i see my negative rating then somehow it is 114 though yesterday i had 193 negative ratings...
Funniest song ever LOL [media]
I got 1000 message how come i am not a well known member
If you have played Five Nights at Freddy's The first one or the second list down what night you are in 1-7 I'll start first Five nights at...
1.rei1230 2.Uncleurnesto 3.Ban evading 4.
Hey guys lets cut to the chase so mostly my life in mineverse mostly in kitpvp because it is my favorite server I've been a total jackass. So i...
Rei1230 @quadcrafters and @IAFF rate abusing me in my posts you can see the list and quad will give me a negative rating all the time...
This is very simple you make a joke the one i like the best Wins kit god in 3 server that they chose from you have till Wednesday Then i will...
1. Rei1230 2. TheHiddenOne143 3. He seems to be flashing kill aura sometimes 4. Video : [media]
1.rei1230 2.thehiddenone143 3. Hacking some evidence is when he hit the other guy he comes right back attack me 4.[media]
1. rei1230 2. shovelmc 3. thehiddeone is banned right now and now he makes and alt
1. Rei1230 2. quadcrafters 3. rates my posts dumb over and over 4. go check out rei1230 hacking pending view my comments rates and you'll see he...
1.rei1230 2.billons 3.spam 4.
Hello what has happend so far from 600 posts to 700 was that i was banned from kitpvp for false hacking while being banned i got forum banned to...
1.rei1230 2.mrsniper20 and shorty_dion 3. mrsniper20 hacking and trapped me along with shorty_dion shorty did not hack but he was apart of the...
Before i begin i request a mute because he has been warn more than once 1.rei1230 2.krishy10 3.rude 4.
I posted in head mods thread nothing so fa though it was more than a week i want my god rank back on skywars