Pronounce what happend D:
Wes :D
Wait omfg Karateman? Its me MorganCraft10 the person that helped you make a shop. omffgggg
Oh xD
Aww rip hope you feel better :).
Adorable <3
No need to get sassy with me. I said a few posts above "this is only one reason".. I will let you figure out your problem on your own if you just...
You already told me this on skype lol..
All Im trying to say is that you need to add more detail on all sections.
He probably was hacking but if he wants go get unbanned he should just tell them.
So you are now saying that your lying?
Make an appeal and be nice. Just admit that you were hacking and they will unban you.
Were you were being rude and stubborn in your appeal?
There is no detail at all.. You say "Yes." for most of your answers. You should expand by saying Yes, I was staff on (server name not ip) or put...
Then make a ban appeal.
No support. Literally no information at all. Goodluck :).
Cyp has actually talked about this before in the beta team convo. Anyways support.