Well from what I read you can't buy it so why waste your time on a thread when you can get it by mining. Not very smart now is it?
Don't care about the price I wouldnt team if you payed me 50$. No one will pay that you can say they have or will but they wont.
Spend an hour mining sand there ya go tons of gun powder.
Or no price I don't know anyone who would spend any money to team with a bunch of noobs who could backstab you at anytime and kill you.
Whats the new gamemode they are going to be adding? Is there raiding and pvp where ever you are? How does it work?
I want I want I want! Not even the point of Christmas. Everyone here has a first world problem. Oh my Mom said I can only get an Xbox 1 not a...
Why do all my messages have to be approved by a Moderator?
It doesn't make your app look any better when you say "I am due eighteen years of age on the 25th October 2016." No one speaks like that in fact...
Good day pile.
Why would anyone want to team with a bunch of bad players for 50$? Rather buy myself 50 McChickens for that price.