tf???? hw have i not I supported this yet??? stamp of approval. i know youll get it, DJ
Comparing toddlers to presidents and discussing ages related to maturity...?/?2$'abvw ??22?2? these threads are nonstop. I can't defend the mods...
miss ya buddy
D; the tears are real. i love all of u SO MUCH thank u<3
hm. i think youre false there.
hi girlie!!!! glad to see you too<33
Support :) <3
My exact in game name is: glaadiator My purchased rank is/was: MVP My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: MVP rank was lost when I...
<3 grats on mod!! oi
love u all<3 also grats on mod Alexa!!!
(before I start this, I just want to say that you guys are such an incredible group of people and looking through the comments on my wall have...
new update: I resigned
Closing due to lack of evidence.
TheHiddenOne, you obviously did not read my thread... This could have...
We cannot ban someone for threatening you on Skype. It is not affiliated with Mineverse whatsoever. Sorry. Closing.
Warned, thanks.
Closing, as this thread has been made millions of times and it has been copied without permission or credit.
Guides for Moderator applications do not need to be "new" or "updated"