The IGN is zxz_L0U15zxz those are 0, 1, 5[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Please see this google document. We gathered opinions and suggestions from a lot of SkyBlock players especially those who are threatening to...
We weren't talking to him on the chat but he keeps replying all rude. He's been doing this but I only thought of taking a screenshot just now bec...
This kid has been picking on one our buddies and we have told him so many times to stop. and he wants to "report" us for "abusing" him You can...
Please help. X( WarpDeadpool and Burt33 spammed again right after they got out of mute. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Burty33 and his alt WarpDeadPool[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
eenies: This kid has been telling everyone that he has cancer and to donate skybucks to him and shop at his warp. One player said cancer is no...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] This kid has been harassing us over and over again and he keeps cursing in the chat. Please mute this kid.
This kid thinks he can trick people by saying he's a staff. [ATTACH] apparently prins545 also reported him for flying hacks he is pretending...
This kid is picking on almost everyone on SkyBlock. I wasn't able to take screenshots of the rest because I couldn't scroll up further. I told...
Most fun I've had in MineVerse. :) :D These people are the best <3 [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hey y'all! :) I'm Aysululul in SkyBlock. Some of you might have seen me on or noticed me being loud in the chat. :cat: I'm @kriziarawr 's wife....