bye bye
Your bumps need to be 6 days apart please remove the message before i contact your local authorities
Support, i feel like you're extremely mature and overall just a very nice person(the nicest if i do say so myself.) xx -LmBorgnini #SWIFT
support you're one of the most prestigious YouTuber out there, as a matter of a fact, you're actually one of pewdiepie's biggest competitors if i...
Thanks! Just remember to not send me another ip logged on discord, okay?:)
she decided to publicize her feelings on my profile page, so I decided to publicize mine.
-= Content was made hidden from normal users =- [HIDDEN CONTENT] I quit the game itself because the players in it were pretty toxic, and I...
LOL you guys couldnt be more funnier
nah I don't know anything about anyone anymore lol or of they were being serious or not. Thanks Vincent! I'll dm you in a bit. Thank you <3
I will <3
Yeah, call it an unlucky day. I don't know if it was just one person from the MV community. Prior to anything happening, I was deliberately being...
Congratulations <3
couldnt be more serious. i got ddosed, doxed, and my mojang got hacked. im actually done. thanks guys. good knowing you all.
Farewell MV!
Giveaway will be closed. I'm sorry if I let anyone down.
The title precisely delineates the question, guys. Where would you like to go on vacation?
Support, this would make a positive difference honestly.