True, but what if he said something like 'I can crash the server in 5 seconds' ? :p
Smiley is cool
ye ;P
oml lol
Okay, we all know and love the Off-Topic section. Well, it can get annoying when somebody goes off topic in a thread in the Off-Topic section....
Happy Birthday noob
Support, I think this would be a great thing to implement.
If there's no proof of her letting you, then you would be banned.
It means they're banned forever. :P
I understand you report on lots of gamemodes. I'm the person who is on Survival 90% of the time. You should try learning to play more gamemodes...
1. TeamTyler 2. CanUThinkOfMe2, XX_TrollerXX 3. Being sexual in chat with his VIP friend. He also harassed me and bullied me because I killed him...
Neutral, reasons stated above.
@RandomNinja15 lmfao who was that?
Your 2 negative ratings :/*
Aren't our parents trying to teach us to not gamble? lol Seriously, make this permanent!
Welcome to the Mineverse Forums! Introduce yourself here: Make a ban appeal here:...