I know lots of people
plus I dont really know how to protect all my house and he destroyed my protected LAND!!!
He was also threatining me and duplicating things he said he had heaps of accounts so he didnt care if he got banned
I was protecting it but he hacked and teleported to me and destroyed it!
plzz ban him
Your ingame name: Logfin825 The offender's ingame name: Amimessi A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He was griefing and...
its that you handle situations maturly
ok well you seem mature so i defnitly support!
100% support awesome application I think you would make a great mod
support. I think that your app is good and you would make a good mod ;)
Thanks for all the support
if the commands do come back how do i stop my minecraft from updating to 1.9?
yeah i agree
i just got on
what how
i didnt
thank you, and actually I've seen you a lot bigdoglegoman but you never notice me. ( Im quite quiet sometimes)
wow thank you everyone but if you give me no support can you please tell me why thank you!