blub blub *gulp*
and comes out Wet. The longer it's in, the stronger it gets, it comes out dripping and starts to sag, it's not what you think, it's just a teabag.
Roses are red, nuts are brown. Skirts go up, pants come down. Body to Body, Skin to Skin. When it's stiff, you stick it in, it goes in Dry,
is all I need
hurt my feelin's :<
Happy Birthday ^^
That great. :D Haha, I've been told so many times to re-apply. ;-;
Hey electric! How's being a moderator working for you? ^^
Omg haven't seen you forever man.
Ooo love the new background.
Damn you caught me. xD
Good times :')
Impossible~ saitama-sensei rules over all
ikr XD
I was so silly back then. ;-;
sure was