but serously there is no /fly command for any donor rank, i dont even think moderators have that
mabye some crystal meth?? lol xD
there isnt a fly command for mvp, i am a mvp and there isnt a fly command (i have tryed)
My Username: Peng74725 Problem: A day or so ago i donated $35 USD for MVP rank, it works on every game accept Skywars. It dosent let me do the...
nice, not many staff respond to these post and if they do, not much action is happining. staff, please take notice.
Heres the picture:
hacker ign: rubikmaster99 my ign: peng74725 why he should be banned??: he glides to unreachable places so knowone can win (sorry for my spelling)...
and this is for infected
and i do have them and thanks crazy flying chipmunk :P
sorry it donst let me post pictures
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Hacker IGN: Sirharrycool My IGN: peng74725 Why he should be banned?: Sirharrycool has been hacking for months now not letting...
hey gianni
whats a active member??
and still no one has replyed to any of my applications :'(
could i please also be in line??
nah its good proof