@NoMoreSanity @Cotner @BlackZone @MaxNinja10 @Janice999 @PandaBear__ @Exstatisfy @Alex @Nightfire @Payable
No reply :(
I emailed like twice and they replied once, they said "skyblock is having issues, apologies" well My sister is a Titan and they didn't explain but...
Both tried, email: no reply for 5 days, Restart tried unlimited times, no use
Please just someone help, my sister can't do /is or /sb commands, please just fix it
Hey, no reply for 5 days
anyone could answer me?
it is really a glitch, no problems with me but the server
NO, i need my spawner back plz
And Also, I asked that you should break when silk touch pick is used, i even put a layer of bloks under the spawner and when i break the spawner...
really? well so i am screwed?
So basically I broke a spawner with a silk touch pick, and i lost my sheep spawner, I must get it refunded, although i didnt buy it with irl but i...
Emailed... No reply
I mean like, A private chest, that only I can open it, even other islanders on my island can't open it
Got another question, can you place private chest? Like using signs and make a chest private? If yes, please tell me how :) thanks
I am Zyrophobia, my sister is Kyrophobia, I am working fine,but she doesn't WHY!?
At early 2015, the issue one happens. It is totally fixed now? And ok, silk touch pick can take the spawner. Thanks