Basically he is saying 4647_ cat fishes :}
K, i'll just be honest to you i'm no pests your the only one, and I'll just be honest with you back get of my page and leave me alone.
LOL, i'm an a**whole now lol
I'm not lol I just asked you why I need to know that. ;3
K, and why do I need to know that LOL
Search it up m8 TOP DEFINITION Grammar Nazi Someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes...
Nah, I'm fine bro your so tough I wouldn't mess with you i'm so scared LOL
it's not xD it's a saying dumbo
get lost grammar nazi go tell someone else of little mini mod
Bye Lad i'll miss you :D, have a good time with you kids
F*** of you little scrub spoilt kido, stop thinking your the best at everything cause no one give a dam you think your so tough will your prob...
i'll miss you to. /Goku__PVP, post: 411325, member: 4056"]:( one of my best friends on here. I'll miss you bro :D
I don't give a dam Note guys if you wana see me again i'm going online soon :3
Don't even say goodbye wow your nice.
Don't think anything will tbh Bye man i'll miss you. Got boring and school and stuff I'll see if i want to come back but right now looks like...
k thanks and no you can't.
Edit i'm kinda leaving i'm going to be inactive for a while so yeah I won't be on as much and stuff Lol :3
Lol his unactive.
shut up