Can you please make my name Brazil <3 and my brothers { @brazil's brother ObsessedToCrash thanks <3
The template is below. What is your in-game name: Brazil2170 How old are you: 13 Do you have skype? If so PM me it: You have it :} What is...
I remember back in the days I would just look at the reports when I was bored add it back please!!!
what server pm me it.
His talking about the lag I think hehe.
This is just perfection. :D
Bruh I don't care about what ever you done you will always be my friend I still remember how you got me sponsor, when we met up on gontroller I...
xDDD Ign Brazil
ign brazil
I'm not supporting for my reasons now but don't give hope up I will reconsider soon. Edit reconsidered GET MOD NOW!! xDDD
Get me $25 and I'll hook you up with my dj cousins for a great party :}
you forgot me :{ Anyways bye man :{
why not gods?
I'll try get 1 stack of gapples for you on opprison and 3 gold ingots on kitpvp and also 100 on opvp
No I mean I'm giving u 1k on skywars :3
Also add 1k on skywars :D <3
I would love the factions cash :>