Sorry I just can't see a faction server without potions... Factions without potion will encourage more xrayers for gold to make it gapple pvp..
Nuu I like selling iron etc.. Wait there isn't pot supplies.
Why not?
Appy please <3
Accepted welcome to the faction great application <3
Considering. May you do the following mcmmo items?
Sup guys brazil here as you know factions is reseting. I'm going to make a faction and finally I'm not making it private so basically I'm going to...
Ign Brazil Offenders everyone at shop Rule broken ruining facs and duping. Evidence right https...
Jitler click strafe or the same one as @xiSqueak_
That's why when he auction the gapples he had 200+ Ez ban
Yes I found his duper machine. I'm pretty sure it's his I blew it up but before that I got screen shots of the machine. This is the machine that...
@canucksfan44 I can confirm to you that freckle dupes.
@canucksfan44 ?
Sup bruh <33 Remember when you donated sponsor for me xD the times bby <3
Support! You really do deserve the spot!
Ign Brazil Offenders Freckle and Omgitskenny Rule broken Teasing me again and again... Evidence is here Also yesterday on factions you were...
Support me and @Toru10 where going to make a thread about it.