My brother youngest brother, Steven, wanted to see Boss Baby and I had to go and watch it and I ended up liking it and Tim is my favorite.
After I leave Universal Park, my mom is making me go with my oldest brother to do work with him because I will get a raise on my allowance which...
This week Im going to change my profile picture everyday to my favortie movie character or video game character. Harley Quinn is my starter.
Roblox: u want to see my #### Roblox: o shoot pencil get censored
I'm not going to school for the rest of the year because final grades are turned in and we don't have full days this entire week.
Want to know what I have to do over the summer to play video games? Read. If I read for 15 minutes, I get 1 hour of game time. So I usually read...
I hate summer school. Back in summer of 2014 and 15, I went to summer school because I used to be dumb and I was failing, I failed in 2014 , but I...
This Friday, June 2, 2017 is my last day of school and we are getting minimum days this entire week. This summer, i'm going to Universal Park on...
Realizing my old school would've made things worse.
The last day of school for me is this Friday. If you're going into 7th Grade next year, I rate it 4 out of 10.
Shadow is my waifu
Sonic Forces avatar creator is the new deviantart
I'm back, I was grounded because I stole something a while back
One time in 6th Grade, My ELA teacher left her iPad logged in so i changed her school email name to Fegelein with his face as the pic and I got 3...
My school doesn't allow it, but my old school did.
At my old school in 6th Grade, which I did this on the last day I was there, I installed Bonzi Buddy on all the PCs while I was taking a test when...
I need to know. One time I was dared to scream out "Vanilla D*ck Pudding" and got 3 days of ISS for doing it in the middle of a important topic...
Snuck my iPad to school today.
I got a 2DS on Monday. I'm enjoying Pokemon Moon and Mario Kart 7.
Thanks for all the support. That will be done shortly. Thanks for alerting me.