yes im online
ok thanks
I cant type anything
Hey im having a problem on creative, I can't move and every time I try to talk or move it puts me back in the same location I think I am stuck in...
Hope you guys enjoy seriously love you people who support me lets do this! AGE: 16 IGN: drybones0205 Time-Zone: Atlantic (US and Canada) 5:00...
are u able to change my birth date I just realized its wrong
Go on my new account drybones0205 I'm not using this anymore!
Really loved your application I've seen you around some areas but not a lot good luck hope you get moderator :D
What happened to the server I was just on and it said Server Closed anyone know what happened?
Also they will hv to get rid of the Challenge PortalMaker if they nether is disabled
That is a good explaination
Recently on Skyblock there has been a lot of spam from people advertising there shops, and its getting very annoying. On the Creative Server it...
I don't support this.... People can change there name to inappropriate names or long spamming names
The snapshots are not able to support a server and the latest snapshots are unstable because they're in alpha or beta testing
I'm completely with you on that I recently had a titan at my shop he used /jump and killed all my animals
I agree that would make money a whole lot easier on Skyblock
I play KitPVP everyday too I never encounter a hacker. Also there isn't a lot of plugins to stop hacking, they're either out of date, abandoned or...
I know his s late but I support you!
1.) What country do you live in? I live in the United States of America 2.) What time zone are you in? EST/Atlantic Time Zone 3.) How many players...