I remember when Nahilo added you to our Skype call and I asked for you ign and you said XeonoHD or _Raqzs Still no support
And now I see that Quasion is banned for hacking so no support.
I gave no support because you are not nice to people like myself, and you are lieing about who you are you got your god account XeonoHD banned...
now I can't join mineverse
Don't lie about who you are.
No support.
[MEDIA] Thanks for looking at my report.
I can't jon the server
So before Bantz got banned he was a god. Since Rustyoldblade bought him premium and now he lost hid god rank
[MEDIA] Thanks for looking at this report.
Ill just make different reports on them. ok
[MEDIA] Thanks for looking at the report.
http://youtu.be/pTrXY4z2EYg Please take care of this. Thanks
[MEDIA] Please take care of this. Thanks
[MEDIA] Please take care of this.
https://youtu.be/b1dx32LT5Zo Please take care of this. Thanks