How much?
What is forge exactly?
Ok, i now have optifine. Thanks, now, if anyone knows how to dowload shaders, that would be awesome. @PandaBear__ @Vedrah
I dont know where that is....
Title Says It All
Well, After I Posted This, And Right Before U Just Replied, iBuildHd Told Me He disposed The Plot, And This Is True, sido754, Does Not Have A Plot...
Sorry about that. The deal was 6 heads, a titan pick, and 50b for sido754's plot (which was his alt). As you can see he told me i only payed him...
@Nightfire88539 @Musezeta @Dontchallengeme @Ares_Xena @Alexa @Yin @tin15cro
IGN: 3283 Offenders IGn iBuildhd He Scammed Me 6 Heads, 75 Bil, And A Titan Pick For sido754 I Would Really Like This Fixed, Screenshots: I Know...
Well, The Only Place I Could Have Them Is, On My Plot, Hidden On My Plot, In My E-Chest. In My Pv, Or On Another Plot I Own. I Am No Donor, SO I...
Sorry, i posted 3 of the same screenshot. Didnt mean to
How can i do that? I would be happy to. I can take screenshots of all my chests if you want?
Tagging online mods to get this over and done with Sorry for spam @canucksfan44 @larrythebird101
Offender: BAB199 My Ingame Name: 3283 Deal Was 45b On OpPrison And 200$ On KitPvp For 12 Titan Sets. He Told Me I Didn't Pay And Left. I Need A...
Wow Thanks @gianni024 It Worked!!! Cant Thank You Enough :)
It Also Says I Don't Own It
After The Maintenance, My Plot Does Not Allow Me To Build On It. This Needs To Be Fixed.